Our Impact Stories

The result of our efforts:

Impact Stories

Championing for the girl child in a pandemic

Gyanankur has always championed the cause of education and equal opportunity for the girl child. Beginning with the provision of safe toilets and transportation for them, girls are given opportunities in sports, leadership development, arts and competitions. Teachers pay personal attention to encouraging the girl child and advocating on their behalf. 

Recently Mrs Ujagare noticed that Gauri*her third standard student from an underprivileged Banjara community, had barely attended class and had not submitted any work during the online class. She persisted in calling the parents and finally in talking with Gauri to identify and solve the problems she faced.

She negotiated with the parents and siblings to share access to the family device and later assisted in procuring a donated device so Gauri would not fall back a grade or be unenrolled. One of the teachers personally donates towards Gauri’s school fees. 

The Grade Skipping Class

It helps tutor kids who are behind but eager to learn, work hard, skip a grade and catch up with their age-appropriate class.  This helps them adjust socially.

There are currently 13 students coming in from the village, happy to be in a class where they are not always behind but helped. They are learning to speak English and now one of them Madhu has reached her age-appropriate class and be able to join them in a regular basis.

Our new teacher from Korea on teaching the class for the first time said,

“The Children’s passion for study is great.  They have confidence and pride in their studies. We can clearly see that the learner is enjoying studying.  They participate enthusiastically in class and work hard on their homework. I think of these kids as sponges with passion.”