Joyful Affordable Education for Every Child

“We exist to provide excellent quality, holistic education for underprivileged children in India, empowering them to live fulfilling lives as caring and contributing members of their community.”

Years in operation
0 +
Happy Students
0 +
Girls Enrolled
Loving Teachers
0 +
Teacher Training Workshops

Our Mission

The Indian government and NGOs are working hard to lift the standard of government and private schools around the country. In our area east of Pune, Gyanankur School provides affordable quality English medium education to those who cannot afford it. Ours is a rare private school that is for families with low incomes.

Denied access to good quality education, most families are unable to even dream of better opportunities for their children, perpetuating a cycle of poverty. Gyanankur was founded to address these challenges.

We believe that:

  • every person can blossom when lovingly nurtured
  • learning is something to be enjoyed
  • quality education is a key to social transformation in India

Our Vision

Our vision is to contribute to a paradigm shift in Indian education, through:

A. Currently

1. Being a beacon school as we develop an on-the-ground model of low-cost quality joyful education

2. Offering teacher training and mentoring to grassroots teachers in innovative approaches – initially in our own school at Kesnand

3. Welcoming children into our school who have missed out on years of education and providing the Grade Skipping program to aid them to both catch up the years they have missed and graduate with good grades in English medium

B. In the future

4. Start a National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Centre to provide alternative forms of education for children in our area who don’t thrive in the usual system

5. Expand to Standard 11 and 12 with pathways to other skills training that are relevant to our students

What Sets Us Apart

Low Fees

Need Based Scholarships

Optimal Class Size

Jouyful Learning Space

Ongoing Teacher Training

Enquiry Based Learning

Our Features

What We Have Accomplished

Our Beloved Supporters

How people offered their support

See how people have helped advance our mission and where and how we have utilized their valuable donations.

St Mary’s TTC donated books and furniture . . . .

We are very grateful to the team at St Mary’s TTC who as they close down have donated some lovely books and furniture to us. The tables may be old but are sturdy and many years ago our School Head Mistress sat at them as she trained to be a teacher.

Playground equipment donated by a local housing society

Our pre primary school children continue to enjoy the playground equipment donated by a local housing society in 2018, when they made changes. We are grateful for Mr Nischal Vohra who saw an opportunity to donate them to Gyanankur School.

Gifts Food

Gits Food gave us 50 beautiful food packets of snacks and sweets for the entire 50 staff to appreciate them on Teachers Day in September 2021.

Rotary Club Airport Road

We are so grateful to the Rotary Club Poona Airport who donated and built 8 toilets for our students… for our boys and girls. Rotary serves many schools with this need so generously.

Computer Equipments

The Resurrection Education Society’s donation of some computer equipments to our school. We are extremely grateful for your kind heart service to our school.


What People Say

The Resurrection Education Society

Sponsor girls to go to school